Payment Methods
Cash on Delivery:
- As defined by the rules of the site for shipments.
Bank Tranfer:
ALPHA BANK IBAN : GR6801402370237002002010803
Payment by credit / debit / prepaid card:
- All payments made using the card are processed through the electronic payment platform of "Nexi XPay" of Nexi Payments Greece S.A. and uses TLS 1.2 encryption protocol encryption with 128-bit (Secure Sockets Layer - SSL). Encryption is a way of coding the information until it reaches its recipient, who will be able to decode it using the appropriate key.
- Possibility of payment via credit, debit and prepaid cards of Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Diners, Discover.
Payment with PayPal:
- Now you can pay for your orders in our online store easily, quickly and securely through the online payment service PayPal. By choosing the "PayPal" payment method, at the end of the order you are transferred directly to the PayPal page.